Thursday, January 5, 2012

Just Because

She knows right when I'm about cry.
                           I know she can do it when she doesn't want to try.
She is sometimes the only one who laughs when I'm trying to be funny.
                       As long as I am here, she will never feel like a nobody.
She will stay up all night if I have to talk.
                           If she can no longer run, I will help her to walk.
She gives me everything even if that leaves her with none.
                          I wonder if she knows how much she is loved.
She holds my hand tight when I start to go under.
                       I don't trust any guy to ever be good enough for her.
She means everything to me and I thank God daily.
                      I recieved the best of sisters and that includes Hailey.
            Not much has changed since we were 7 and 10,
            Except now instead of barbies, we have internet.
                               We are now 19 and 22
                   With so little to gain but so much to lose.
                 She is still my best friend now and forever,
                    More like an angel, my sister, Heather.



1 comment:

  1. Holly I just love you so much! This post brought me to tears, I am so thankful for you and really don't deserve a sister like you :)
